Looking for a crash course on renewable energy?
Check out our Online Teach-In Archive!
The goal of each online teach-in is to provide an overview of the importance of renewable energy in meeting our climate and clean energy goals, creating green jobs and healthier communities, as well as providing opportunities to take action. Field experts from across the state present and discuss a variety of today’s clean energy topics and answer questions from our audience.
If you have an idea for a teach-in, please connect with us!
7.31.24 “Equitable and Affordable Energy Transition With Cap-and-Invest”
7.25.24 “Unlocking the Power of NENY Part 2”
4.10.24 “Unlocking the Power of NENY”
3.21.23 “Breathing Easy: New York’s Clean Deliveries Act”
12.15.23 NY HEAT Act Teach In
11.28.23 70 x ‘30 Where We Are and What it Will Take to Green New York’s Grid
3.30.23 Clean Green Schools Opportunities for Engagement, Implementation, and Learning
12.8.22 Activating Equitable Building Decarbonization in New York – Opportunities for Funding & Advocacy
9.21.22 Climate Week NYC: The Recipe for Equitable, Climate-friendly Buildings
8.23.22 Clean Energy for Low- Moderate-Income Brooklyn Households
8.18.22 Clean Energy for Low- Moderate-Income Bronx Households
8.3.22 New York Climate Action Scoping Plan Webinar for Municipal Officials
6.29.22 Clean Energy Coaching Webinar
6.27.22 Draft Disadvantaged Communities (DAC) Public Comment Period
5.24.22 Driving Change in the Transportation Sector? NY’s Draft Scoping Plan, and How You Can Get Involved
- Alok Disa, Senior Research and Policy Analyst with Earthjustice, leads the Northeast Regional Office’s transportation work. His work focuses on rapidly and equitably transitioning New York’s transportation system to zero-emissions in a way that prioritizes environmental justice, good jobs, and partnership.
- Fabio Mantovani serves as Vice President of NYPA Ventures at the New York Power Authority (NYPA) and prior to his current role served as Vice President of e-Mobility. In addition to operating its generation and transmission assets, NYPA provides low-cost power and clean energy products and services to Commercial & Industrial customers, municipalities, electric cooperatives, and government agencies. In this role, Mantovani is responsible for four business areas within NYPA Ventures: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure, Solar and Storage, Energy Insights and Analytics and Demand Flexibility (Virtual Power Plants).
- Jen Metzger, NYCP Senior Policy Advisor and former NY State Senator who will talk about what’s in the plan, why it matters, recommendations specific to transportation and how you can turn those recommendations into written comment.
- Juan Restrepo Juan Restrepo is the Senior Organizer for Transportation Alternatives, a grassroots transportation advocacy 501(c)(3) non-profit based in New York City. He manages their team of borough-based organizers, whose work supports a network of 100’s of passionate volunteers organizing to support sustainable, green transportation options and infrastructure around the city. Some of his organization’s most recent victories include the new Brooklyn Bridge bike path.
5.6.22 New York’s Proposed Climate Plan and Why the Hudson Valley Needs to Weigh In
4.12.22 New York‘s Waste Problem – What the State’s Climate Plan Needs to Include
Watch this NYCP Teach-In about the climate impacts of New York’s waste and the recommendations of the Climate Action Council’s Draft Scoping Plan! The Teach-In features a discussion with environmental policy expert Judith Enck, President of Beyond Plastics and former EPA Regional Administrator under President Obama, and Jen Metzger, PhD, New Yorkers for Clean Power Senior Policy Advisor and former NYS State Senator. Hosted by NYCP Campaign Director Betta Broad.
3.23.22 Getting Off Fossil Fuels in Buildings: Opportunities for Municipalities to Lead with Advanced Energy Codes
Watch this NYCP Teach-In to learn about how your local government can lead on a local energy code that ensures construction of healthy, emissions-free buildings in your community and receive up to $500,000. We’ll also learn about the recommendations of NYS Climate Action Council’s Draft Scoping Plan to reduce emissions from buildings, and how you can weigh in!
Teach-In Program:
– “A New $ Opportunity for Local Governments”, NYSERDA’s Stretch to Zero Pilot Program: Elizabeth Staubach, Senior Project Manager at New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
– “Leading by Example: The City of Ithaca’s Comprehensive Green Building Policy”, Luis Aguirre-Torres, Sustainability Director for the City of Ithaca
– “Reaching NY’s Ambitious Climate Goals: The NYS Draft Climate Plan’s Recommendations for Healthy, Zero-Emissions Buildings”, Jen Metzger, Senior Policy Advisor, at New Yorkers for Clean Power, former NYS State Senator
4.6.22 Implementing New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act
The NYS Climate Action Council has released, for public comment, a much-awaited draft plan to implement New York’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), the most ambitious climate law in the country. In this presentation and Q&A, NYCP’s Senior Policy Advisor, Jen Metzger, gives an overview of the plan and issues and recommendations that are important for communities to know about and weigh in on. She also highlights actions that state and local governments need to begin taking now if New York is to reach its emissions targets.
Jen served in the State Senate in 2019-2020, where she was a leading voice for action to tackle climate change and move away from reliance on fossil fuels. She was an active member of the Senate’s workgroup on the CLCPA, passed in 2019, and she led efforts in the State Legislature to create a permanent ban on fracking, passed as part of the budget in 2020.
12.01.21 Equitable Clean Transportation Projects in NYS
This NY for TCI teach-in features clean transportation projects across NYS – from greenways encouraging biking and walking to electric school buses and on-demand electric paratransit!
- Ibrahim Abdul-Matin, Senior Clean Power Fellow at presenting the Brooklyn-Queens Greenway in NYC
- Andy Willner, Executive Director of Center for Post Carbon Logistics presenting solar powered boats in the Hudson Valley
- Mariah Okrongly, Program Manager at Bedford 2030 presenting about electric school buses
- Doug Funke, President of Citizens for Regional Transit in Buffalo discussing their vision for expanding light rail and increasing funding for upstate public transit’s operational and maintenance resources
- Brigitte Griswold, Executive Director of Groundwork Hudson Valley presenting
the Yonkers Greenway - Eric Alexander, Director at Vision Long Island presenting on downtown traffic calming projects in Long Island
- Jean Sassine, NYCC member from South East Queens presenting about bus accessibility in Queens
10.20.21 Weatherization, Green Jobs & The Clean Energy Economy Teach-in
Celebrate Weatherization Day/Energy Awareness Month with us! Join a panel discussion about the important role of weatherization in green job creation and equitably shifting to a clean energy economy in NYS.
- Samantha Pearce, VP of Sustainability, Homes & Community Renewal
- Sameer Ranade, Climate Justice Advisor, Climate Action Council, NYSERDA
- David Hepinstall, ED; Francis Rodriguez, Dir. of Weatherization, Association for Energy Affordability
- Tomasine Oliphant, Director, Ulster County Office of Employment and Training
- Joe McDole, Owner of J&S Painting & Construction, LLC
9.30.21 Green the Grid & Electrify Everything Teach-in
Join us to learn what New York needs to do in order to ensure our electric grid is powered by renewable sources and how we can decarbonize our buildings and transportation so they are running off of that renewable electricity!
- Betta Broad, Campaign Director
- Gregory Simpson, Senior Clean Power Fellow
- Cal Trumann, Climate Education Clean Power Fellow
- Andrew Pezzullo, Large-scale Renewables Clean Power Fellow
- Jen Metzger, Former State Senator and Senior Policy Advisor
If you are interested in having a version of this presentation given to a group in your area by an NYCP team member, please fill out this follow up form!
7.1.21 Green Affordable Housing Online Teach-in
Checkout our online teach-in reviewing successful green affordable housing around the state, helpful policy initiatives and how to scale up to meet NY’s climate goals!
- Elizabeth McDade, Rochester Energy Efficiency & Weatherization (RENEW)
- Guy Kempe, RUPCO
- Jen Metzger, Former NYS State Senator & NYCP Policy Advisor
- Jamal Lewis, Green & Healthy Homes Initiative
- Michael DiRamio, Assistant Director of Energy Affordability & Equity at NYSERDA
- Zach Fink, ZBF Geothermal
Co-hosted by Ibrahim Abdul-Matin, Urban Strategist, and Betta Broad, Director of Advocacy & Organizing at Association for Energy Affordability/NYCP Campaign Director
You can take action for Green Affordable Housing by filling out our form here: http://tiny.cc/Act4AffordableGreenHouse
4.8.21 Legislation to Electrify NY’s Transportation
Learn about current legislation in New York that supports electric vehicle sales, charging infrastructure and greening public transportation. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and take action! Send a letter to your representative: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/sup… Connect with NYCP to meet with your legislator about clean transportation: https://forms.gle/2xpkWpwUBfHDpu9Q8
- Mo-Yain Tham, Policy and Research Associate at Jobs to Move America
- Rachel Patterson, Legislative & Climate Associate at Environmental Advocates NY
- Carine Dumit, Director of Market Development & Public Policy at EVgo
- Albert Gore, Director of Public Policy & Business Development at Tesla
2.18.21 Improving NY’s Benefit Cost Analysis
Our state’s regulatory processes are not taking all the factors into account when deciding the cost benefit ratios of fossil fuel & renewable infrastructure! Learn what needs to be considered by industry experts. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and take action for a better BCA! Visit our take-action page to improve NY’s BCA: tinyurl.com/bcacomment
- Sonal Jessel, the Director of Policy at WE ACT for Environmental Justice
- Andy Frank, the Founder & President of Sealed and Strategic Advisory Group member to inform the Building Electrification Process for the Department of Public Service
- John Ciovacco, the President of Aztech Geothermal and Strategic Advisory Group member to inform the Building Electrification Process for the DPS
- Jessica Azulay, the Executive Director of Alliance for a Green Economy (AGREE) and active party member in numerous rate cases across NYS.
1.28.21 NY Towns & Cities Transition Off Fossil Fuels (Buildings) & How to Pay For It
Learn about gas bans, Ithaca’s cutting edge energy codes and how towns & cities can decarbonize their existing buildings!
- Amy Turner – Senior Fellow at the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia Law School
- Nick Goldsmith – Sustainability Coordinator for the City of Ithaca and the Town of Ithaca
- Mark Thielking – Director of Energy and Sustainability for the Town of Bedford.
11.12.20 New Rules for Renewables – Show Support
Learn from supporters and industry experts on the new regulations released by the Office of Renewable Energy Siting (ORES) and how you can participate as a supporter in the upcoming online & in-person stakeholder sessions.
- Anne Reynolds, Executive Director of Alliance for Clean Energy New York
- Giuseppina Agovino, Founding Member of Friends of Flint Mine Solar
- Ryan Piche, Lewis County Town Manager
- Jessica Enzmann, Organizing Representative at Sierra Club
10.6.20 ACE Town Hall Renewable Energy + Storage: A Match Made in NY?
This technical dialogue/town hall discusses how pairing solar and wind energy projects with energy storage can help New York meet its ambitious clean energy requirement for projects that pair wholesale renewable energy with energy storage. Our speakers discuss what the New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) has already done to facilitate renewables + storage projects, what wind and solar developers would like to further change regarding NYISO rules, and the thorny questions that remain about how to best balance the need for energy storage with efficient operation of the grid.
- Dr. William Acker, Executive Director of NY-BEST
- Dave Gahl , Senior Director of State Affairs, Northeast, SEIA
- John Broadbeck, Senior Manager of Transmission, EDPR
- Mike DeSocio, Senior Manager of Market Design at the NYISO
- Pete Fuller, Principal of Autumn Lane Energy Consulting
Moderator: Anne Reynolds, Executive Director, ACE NY
9.25.20 Getting on Track with Transportation
Getting on Track with Transportation focuses on what New York State needs to fully electrify its transportation system, including lessons learned from California. This teach in focuses on those interested in the transition to electric cars, buses, and trucks; how to reinvest in transit and improve access for all; and how to best build out vehicle charging infrastructure. We will touch on the recently signed multi-state MOU and other initiatives to create jobs, climate justice, and cleaner air by electrifying transportation and enhancing mobility.
Anne Reynolds, Executive Director at Alliance For Clean Energy New York
Kaitlin Monaghan, Public Policy Manager at Rivian
Keynote presentation:
Patricia Monahan, Lead Commissioner on Transportation at California Energy Commission
- Nick Sifuentes, Executive Director, Tri-State Transportation Campaign
- Zeryai Hagos, Deputy Director, Office of Markets and Innovation, NYS Department of Public Service
- Kerene Tayloe Director of Federal Legislative Affairs: WE ACT for Environmental Justice
8.20.20 Why do NYS Farmers & Bees Like Solar?
Solar developers and farmers join forces to implement ways to supply clean power to the NY electric grid. Speakers will discuss the benefits solar brings to NY farmers and wildlife, particularly our pollinators!
- Jeremy Verratti: Verratti Farms, Hartland NY and USES Steering Committee
- Rob Davis, Director, Center for Pollinators in Energy
8.13.20 Next Generation Thermal Infrastructure
Learn how we can meet our energy needs across NYS with clean heating and cooling technology! Speakers will discuss shared geothermal loop systems, thermal infrastructure ownership options and how we can finance getting to scale.
Sign up for Renewable Heat Now’s email list for notifications on how to take action for clean energy infrastructure! https://renewableheatnow.org/join/
- Cullen Kasunic, BlocPower
- Zeyneb Magavi & Audrey Schulman, HEET (Home Energy Efficiency Team)
- Stuart Yanow, Orca Energy
- Owen Brady, National Grid
6.30.20 How Solar Can Benefit NY Communities?
Speakers will discuss the types of benefits available to New York communities that solar projects provide and how to submit a comment to the Public Service Commission on their proceeding about the Renewable Energy Facility Host Community Benefit Program!
- Kevin Campbell, Development Manager – EDF-Renewables
- Kate Millar, Manager, Renewable Development -Invenergy
- Rikki Cason, Manager – Cypress Creek
- David Alicea, NY Organizing Representative – Sierra Club
- Dan Spitzer, Attorney – Hodgson Ross
- Haylee Ferrington, USES Steering Committee – Moderator
6.25.20 Clean Energy Requires a New Grid: Building Renewables in New York
Reaching New York’s ambitious renewable energy mandates – and creating new green jobs through wind and solar power – will require significant upgrades to the transmission grid, so investing in the transmission grid is a climate action issue. Join us for an online discussion to hear from New York State officials, National Grid, renewable energy leaders, and local officials on the what, where, and why of the connections between green energy and new transmission investments, as well as the implications for land use in NYS.
This event is co-hosted by ACE NY, American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE), and Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA).
Welcome: Senator Kevin Parker, Chair of NYS Senate Energy and Telecommunications Committee.
Keynote: Ali Zaidi, Deputy Secretary for Energy and Environment, Office of Governor Andrew Cuomo
- Bart Franey, Director of Transmission Planning, Asset Management, Systems, and Data, National Grid
- Rodica Donaldson, Senior Director, Commercial Transmission and Analytics, EDF Renewables North America
- Ryan Piche, Lewis County Manager, New York
5.29.20 Green Jobs: Making a Living While Making a Difference
Positive Green Jobs examples in our surrounding communities. You’ll learn ways that you can achieve training and job success in this quickly growing field. This free virtual educational event is sponsored by Citizens for Local Power, New Yorkers for Clean Power, and Hudson River Sloop Clearwater.
- Robert Wright, President/YouthBuild Executive Director at Nubian Directions
- William Artist, Construction Manager at Nubian Directions
- Christopher Boston, former Construction Manager at Nubian Directions
- Cecil Corbin-Mark, Deputy Director and Director of Policy Initiatives at WE ACT for Environmental Justice
- Bryanna DiFonzo, Director of New Economy at PUSH Buffalo
- Rodney Rainey, Workforce Development Coordinator at PUSH Buffalo
- Bill and Melinda McKnight, co-founders at Energy Conservation Specialists
5.28.20 Jobs in Solar & Community Benefits
Join United Solar Energy Supporters to hear from speakers on the available apprenticeships & job trainings in the solar industry and the community benefits that utility-scale solar bring.
- Giuseppina Agovino, Friends of Flint Mine Solar
- Harrison Watkins, NYS Laborers Organizing Fund
- Mike Bader, IBEW Local 86
- Haylee Ferington, Clean Energy Communities Genesee
5.18.20 Renewable Heat Now Teach-In on the NYS Gas Proceeding
Join Renewable Heat Now for a one hour online teach-in on the NYS Gas Proceeding. The Public Service Commission, the agency that regulates the utilities, has started a new case on gas planning (20-G-0131) to ensure utilities are transparent, equitable and consider New York State’s new climate law, Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, in their investments and service! The PSC is taking comments on this proceeding.
- Jessica Azulay, Alliance for a Green Economy
- Radina Valova, Pace Energy and Climate Center
- Kim Fraczek, Sane Energy Project
- Lee Ziesche, Sane Energy Project
5.12.20 The Role of Energy Storage
Learn the latest on energy storage technology and how we can use it to build our renewable energy future!
- Tom Kacandes, Business Development Manager – NY & NE at VEIC
- Erin Hazen, Senior Director of Development at Glidepath Power
- Jeff Irish, Vice President of SunCommon
- Candace Rossi, Project Manager for NY-Sun at the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)
5.1.20 The Green Stimulus & Indigenous Leadership with Rep Deb Haaland, Mark Ruffalo & Tokata Iron Eyes
Hear from Mark Ruffalo, Congresswoman Deb Haaland and indigenous activist Tokata Iron Eyes on the importance of a Green Jobs Stimulus and supporting native communities in response to COVID-19.
Federal spending should go towards the most vulnerable and frontline workers as well as prioritizing green jobs and making communities healthier by investing in renewable energy, energy efficient homes, and clean transportation.
And that’s what we call for in our Green Jobs Stimulus Petition.
Send a message to congress that we need to invest in a green economy!
Sign here: nyforcleanpower.org/greenjobsstimuluspetition/
4.29.20 Large-Scale Renewable Energy Permitting: What’s in it for communities?
Join New Yorkers for Clean Power and United Solar Energy Supporters to learn about the new siting law for large-scale renewable energy projects in New York: Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth & Community Benefit Act
- Mike Bader, Business Manager at the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers for local 86
- Harrison Watkins, Research Director at the NYS Laborers Organizing Fund
- Daniel Spitzer, attorney and co-leader of Clean Energy Practice at Hodgson Russ LLP
- Jennifer Manierre, Senior Project Manager for Clean Energy Siting at NYSERDA
3.31.20 Refrigerants 101
Learn the facts about refrigerants, how to safely manage, and the role they play in electrifying our buildings via heat pumps to get off fossil fuels!
- Michaela Helme, New Yorkers for Cool Refrigerant Management
- John Ciovacco, Aztech Geothermal
- Kai Vormer, Aztech Geothermal
- Christina Theodoridi, Climate & Clean Energy Program at NRDC
2.26.20 Youth Climate Movement
Young climate activists and advocates from across New York State speak about the work they do to #ActOnClimate and how you can take action!
- Ilyas Khan, Western New York Youth Climate Council – Buffalo
- Melissa Hoffman, Sunrise Movement – Vassar College
- Berenice Tompkins, Sunrise Movement – NYC
- Shenequa Perry, Student Climate Coalition – SUNY ESF
- Hridesh Singh, New York Youth Climate Leaders – Rochester
- Kellianne Ticcony, New York Youth Climate Leaders – Long Island
12.5.19 Clean Transportation in NY
Hear from knowledgeable speakers about practical transportation emission reduction targets and what strategies we’ll need to reach those targets. Learn how you as an individual or business owner can take action to be a part of the solution for a cleaner New York!
- Allison Considine, NY Campaign Representative for the Sierra Club
- Bruce Ho, Senior Advocate in Climate & Clean Energy Program at the NRDC
- Victoria McGarril, Consultant for Sustainable Transportation Solutions at Energetics
10.30.19 Large-Scale Renewables (Updates!)
We need large-scale renewable projects to be built and to stay in New York if we want to meet our goal of 70% renewable electricity by 2030. Hear more from Anne Reynolds, Executive Director of Alliance for Clean Energy New York. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and learn how you can take action for renewable electricity!
Anne Reynolds, Alliance for Clean Energy New York
8.8.19 Transportation & Climate
Transportation is the largest source of greenhouse gases in New York State. Tune in to learn about the Transportation & Climate Initiative (TCI): one of the many solutions needed to electrify New York’s transportation system and reduce our main source of emissions. Hear from knowledgeable speakers working on TCI at a national level, and reach out to nyforcleanpower@gmail.com if you want to help electrify transportation and make your community more sustainable.
Moderator: Betta Broad, New Yorkers for Clean Power (NYCP)
- Allison Considine, Sierra Club
- Uchenna Bright, Natural Resource Defense Council (NRDC)
- Stephan Edel, New York Working Families
7.22.19 HeatSmart Ulster Sullivan Campaign 101
Heat pumps 101 with Hugo Jule, a clean energy & EV expert consulting with the HeatSmart Ulster-Sullivan campaign.
6.24.19 Heat Pumps & Energy Efficiency
Learn what you can do to promote comprehensive utility energy efficiency & heat pump (not pipelines) programs! In partnership with Renewable Heat Now, New Yorkers for Clean Power is collecting comments on the joint utility filing for the utility energy efficiency programs.
- Bob Howarth, Professor of Ecology and Environmental Biology at Cornell University
- Valerie Strauss, Director of Policy & Regulatory Affairs at Association for Energy Affordability
- Jessica Azulay, Executive Director of Alliance for a Green Economy
- Jens Ponikau, Owner of Buffalo Geothermal Heating & Vice President of New York Geothermal Energy Organization
3.8.19 Renewable Heat
Time to Get Pumped! Renewable heat pumps are good for the planet & can save you money. Learn about renewable heat pumps in our homes and communities. Today’s heat pumps are more efficient and fossil-fuel free. Heat pumps extract heat from the air or ground to heat the air or water in your building. They can also work in reverse as air conditioners!
- John Ciovacco, President of Aztech Geothermal
- Zeyneb Magavi, District Heating Advocate with Mothers Out Front
- Donovan Gordon, Director of Renewable Heating & Cooling at NYSERDA
- Betta Broad, Director of NYCP and Co-founder of Renewable Heat Now!
2.21.19 Community Renewables
Support Renewable Energy & Save Money on Your Electricity Bill Each Month! Tune in for information on New York’s community solar and hydroelectric projects, updates on the Value of Distributed Energy Resources (VDER), and the policies needed to move forward to improve solar energy in New York. Our speakers will be available to answer questions and provide information on what you can do to get involved in the renewable revolution!
- Juan Parra, Solar One Community Solar Program Manager
- Sarah Bower, Natural Power Group Co-Owner
- Cal Trumann, SunCommon Solar Community Organizer
- Emmett Smith, Northern Power Light Founder
- Jessica Azulay, Alliance for a Green Economy Executive Director
1.17.19 Large Scale Renewables
What Will it Take to Achieve New York’s Renewable Energy Goals? Join us for an online teach-in with Anne Reynolds, the Executive Director of Alliance for Clean Energy New York (ACE NY) to find out how large-scale renewable energy is vital to ending our reliance on fossil fuels. Reynolds will speak to the challenges that wind and solar project developers face in our state and the next steps for New York’s renewable future.
7.9.18 Energy Efficiency Updates in NYS
Energy efficiency is the cheapest, easiest and fastest way to address climate change while also creating good local jobs, reducing other harmful pollution, and increasing the resiliency of our electric grid.
- Valerie Strauss Director, Policy & Regulatory Affairs, Association for Energy Affordability
- Conrad Metcalfe Executive Director, Building Performance Contractors Association
- Stephan Roundtree, Jr., Esq. Environmental Policy and Advocacy Coordinator, WE ACT for Environmental Justice
- Sneha Ayyagari Schneider Fellow, Eastern Region, Climate & Energy Program, NRDC
- Betta Broad Outreach Director, New Yorkers for Clean Power
3.22.18 Energy Efficiency
As we ramp up efforts to push Governor Cuomo, NYSERDA and the Public Service Commission to adopt a comprehensive energy efficiency program that is as ambitious and equitable as possible, we invite clean energy advocates and climate activists from across the state to participate in this online teach-in.
- Miles Farmer, Staff Attorney, Climate and Clean Energy Program, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
- Clarke Gocker, Director of Policy and Strategy, People United for Sustainable Housing (PUSH Buffalo)
- Jessica Azulay, Program Director, Alliance for a Green Economy (AGREE)
- Cecil Corbin-Mark, Deputy Director and Director of Policy Initiatives, WE ACT for Environmental Justice (WE ACT)
- Hal Smith, CEO, Halco Energy