A series of interactive maps illustrating clean energy’s economic impact
in the Empire State
New York’s clean energy industry is thriving.

But what, exactly, does the economic activity happening all across the state look like?

New Yorkers for Clean Power working with partners at FracTracker Alliance, and NYCP steering committee members, E2 and the Alliance for Clean Energy New York — attempted to find out.

We compiled a series of three maps showing the location of clean energy businesses across the state as well as sites where renewable energy is generated.

The purpose of the maps is to help policymakers, press and individuals better understand the scope of New York’s clean energy economy — and how much room it has to grow.



Electric Vehicles (EV)

Map User’s Guide

When viewing the map, note the “Layers” option on the black bar at the top of the map. Click the drop-down menu to select different layers of information. When a layer is selected, a description of that layer is displayed in the left-hand column.