Wind Power

Expanding wind power, both land-based and offshore, is essential to meeting New York’s clean energy goals. If we are to achieve CLCPA’s 70% renewable electricity by 2030 and play a leading role in addressing the climate crisis, we must accelerate the development of wind farms in our state.

New Yorkers for Clean Power is excited to work with Friends of Upstate New York Wind to support the growth of responsibly-sited wind power projects in New York State by providing accurate information regarding the benefits of wind power: energy diversity and security, construction jobs that pay prevailing wage and provide family-sustaining wages and benefits for communities, tax revenue and economic development, and public health.

If you support a wind or solar project in NYS, tell us about it on this form, and check out our Building Our Clean Energy Future toolkit! We co-created this toolkit with The Nature Conservancy to help community members actively support renewable energy projects proposed in their towns.

And check out this 2021 report from the Rocky Mountain Institute on How Rural America Is Reaping Economic Development Benefits from the Growth of Renewables!

Land-based Wind:

Western and Central New York are prime regions for a flourishing wind industry. Wind turbines can’t be placed too close to each other, but where space allows–as it does in this area–the land in between can be used for other things. 

With their many farms and abundant wind resources, Western and Central New York would benefit from installing
wind turbines by enabling farmers to generate additional income while not sacrificing prime agricultural land. Land-based wind projects also create local jobs, as well as funding for the community through PILOTs (payment in lieu of taxes) and other community benefits agreements.

Recognizing the urgent need to accelerate large-scale renewable energy projects, NYCP has begun working with allied organizations, including The Nature Conservancy, Alliance for Clean Energy New York, and Sierra Club, to develop a strategy to build on-the-ground support for wind projects.

Offshore Wind:

New Yorkers for Clean Power advocates for the development of utility-scale offshore wind power off the coasts of Long Island and New York City. Investing in offshore wind will help jump-start an entire new industry, bringing high-wage jobs and manufacturing opportunities.

The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that the wind energy off New York’s coastline alone could generate 40,000 megawatts— enough to power more than 11 million homes. Offshore wind is the largest untapped renewable power resource in New wind turbines

NYCP’s allies at the NY Offshore Wind Alliance helped win a major victory with Governor Cuomo’s announcement committing New York State to 2400 megawatts of offshore wind power by 2030 and the largest combined solicitations for renewable energy ever issued in the U.S. including another Offshore Wind Solicitation up to 2,500 megawatts of renewable energy and a complementary multi-port infrastructure investment, totaling more than $400 million.

Learn about the new siting regulations for large-scale wind & solar released by the Office of Renewable Energy Siting (ORES) from our online teach-in! More teach-in resources can be found here.
Wind Projects in NYS

Large-scale Renewable Projects Reported by NYSERDA Beginning 2004 dataset includes information for projects completed, operational, cancelled, and under development. Projects under development are subject to change.

NY Interactive Wind Energy Map

View the Interactive Wind Energy Map for a visual reference of all wind projects that are current in New York State.

© 2021 Copyright - New Yorkers for Clean Power . NYCP is a Project of the Catskill Mountainkeeper Inc.