Finding an appropriate way to determine the value of resilience – keeping the lights on, essential loads powered, and critical services up and running – has been a common struggle for microgrid projects, particularly projects providing difficult to quantify community services. Based on real world experience with the design and implementation of solar+storage microgrids, the nonprofit Clean Coalition has developed a standardized and straightforward methodology for valuing resilience.
Clean Coalition’s value-of-resilience (VOR) approach applies to any type of facility and begins with tiering loads into three categories: Tier 1 (critical), Tier 2 (priority), and Tier 3 (discretionary). In this webinar, Clean Coalition Founder and Executive Director Craig Lewis will cover the “VOR123” methodology and provide specific solar+storage microgrid examples.
The webinar will cover topics including:
• Tiering loads
• Valuing resilience
• Managing energy storage for resilience and economic optimization
• Managing loads via state-of-the-art load management solutions
• Evaluating solar+storage microgrid economics Clean Energy
Group Vice President and Project Director Seth Mullendore will host.
This webinar is presented by Clean Energy Group on behalf of the Resilient Power Project. Learn more at