Offshore wind offers an unprecedented source of affordable, renewable power for New York. The State is supporting the development of 9,000 megawatts of offshore wind energy by 2035 to power nearly 6 million homes. In 2019, NYSERDA issued the single largest renewable energy award in the nation’s history of 1,696 MW, and recently, the PSC approved an order authorizing the state to issue a solicitation for up to 2,500 MW. The state issued a pioneering Offshore Wind Master Plan in 2018 and provided leadership to launch the National Offshore Wind Research and Development Consortium (2018). NYSERDA’s Offshore Wind Program is developing offshore wind in the most responsible and cost-effective way possible and bringing clean, locally produced power where the burdens of climate change are highest.
In this webinar, hosted by the Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA), Doreen Harris, NYSERDA’s Director of Large-Scale Renewables, will discuss NYSERDA’s award-winning offshore wind program.
This webinar is one in a series highlighting the winners of the 2020 State Leadership in Clean Energy Awards. Learn more at