june, 2022

17jun10:00 am11:00 amThe Utility Thermal Energy Network and Jobs Act: A Just Transition to Renewable Heating and Cooling Webinar

Event Details

New York State recently passed the nation’s first thermal energy network law! The Utility Thermal Energy Network and Jobs Act will enable the construction of neighborhood-scale “thermal energy networks,” which are essentially a system of pipes that carry water instead of gas.

Join us Friday, June 17 at 10-11am for a presentation on what thermal energy networks are, how they will transform the way we heat and cool our buildings, and why both labor unions and environmentalists unified to enable utilities to build them.

Featured speakers include Jay Egg, international geothermal expert, with remarks by Jessica Azulay, Alliance for a Green Economy, and John Murphy, United Association of Plumbers, Pipefitters and Sprinkler Fitters. The presentation will be MCed by Lisa Dix from the Building Decarbonization Coalition.

Register for the online event here. 


(Friday) 10:00 am - 11:00 am


Remote Event

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