february, 2022

01feb3:54 pm3:54 pmFebruary State Climate Policy Network National Call

Event Details

Want to learn about how climate policy campaigns are developing in states across the country – from Vermont to Nebraska to Montana to Hawaii? Have exciting climate policy developments to share with a network of like-minded individuals?

Join us for our monthly State Climate Policy Network national call! This one-hour, once-a-month call is the perfect opportunity to learn about the different legislation and movements going on in states across the US. Legislators, advocates, and experts will join us and inform the network of what is going on in their state as it relates to climate policy, and what you might be able to do to help.

For those of you joining us for the first time, the SCPN call is also an opportunity to simply listen to other states’ updates and challenges. We typically have campaign leaders and policymakers in 15-20 states calling in and providing updates, and dozens of people listening and asking questions on the line.  The call is a great information-sharing and networking opportunity. Feel free to contact Kristen Soares, our SCPN Manager, at kristen@climate-xchange.org with any questions, or if you are interested in speaking on an upcoming call.


(Tuesday) 3:54 pm - 3:54 pm



Online presentation


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