december, 2019

12dec10:00 am2:00 pmThe PSC Must Listen to Climate Science! - NYC for the PSC Meeting

Event Details

NY URGENTLY needs a plan for transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable energy and renewable heat – now! To hold the agency responsible for shaping NY’s energy future (the Public Service Commission) accountable, we must be in The Room Where It Happens – in The GREATEST City in the World!

Join the Renewable Heat Now campaign and a growing number of allies as we head to NYC on December 12th for the monthly PSC meeting.

Join us to witness what the Commissioners say in the 4th Floor Boardroom. Will the PSC finally issue the long-awaited energy efficiency order? Will we again hear climate change denial from the commissioners? Will the PSC acknowledge that the uncertainty of not having a plan thwarts our efforts to promote energy efficiency and renewable heat and emboldens fossil fuel infrastructure buildout? Will the PSC act in accordance with the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act?

The world is watching what New York will do. The time to act is NOW. Let’s make sure NYS regulators know we are watching them and that we hold them accountable for serving the PUBLIC’s interest and protecting the planet – not protecting the utilities’ bottom line.



(Thursday) 10:00 am - 2:00 pm


90 Church St, New York, NY 10007 Fourth Floor Boardroom


Renewable Heat Now

© 2021 Copyright - New Yorkers for Clean Power . NYCP is a Project of the Catskill Mountainkeeper Inc.