september, 2023

18sep5:00 pm7:30 pmReimagining Climate Action across the Caribbean and Diaspora

Event Details

The “Reimagining Climate Action across the Caribbean and Diaspora” panel session will serve as a platform for sharing diverse forms of knowledge and for raising fundamental questions about resilience and justice in the context of climate change and increasing social inequality. This event will bring together scholars, activists, artists, and others interested in Caribbean, diaspora, and climate change issues. Conversations will focus on the imperative that climate action should not only acknowledge past and current disadvantages but actively address them. This entails recognizing the uneven distribution of climate impacts and the costs and benefits of adaptation measures across Caribbean and diaspora communities. It also entails promoting inclusive and equitable planning processes that carefully balance a diverse range of interconnected and, at times, conflicting goals, including:

Protecting public health and safety.
Safeguarding natural systems and preserving biodiversity.
Ensuring equitable access for all individuals and communities to waterfronts and coastal ecosystems.
Preventing displacement and safeguarding the cultural identity and rights of communities to remain in place.
Addressing historical injustices and fostering social cohesion.
Our mission is to not only facilitate the sharing of diverse forms of knowledge but to ignite profound conversations that delve into the heart of climate challenges facing the Caribbean and diaspora communities. Together, we will explore innovative solutions and strategies to drive change.

At this in-person event, you will:

Gain insights from amazing individuals shaping climate action and discourse
Engage in thought-provoking discussions on resilience, justice, and environmental sustainability.
Be inspired by scholars, artists, and activists dedicated to creating a more just future for all.
Connect with a dynamic community of practice committed to advancing social, environmental, and climate justice initiatives within Caribbean and diaspora-based communities.
By participating in this event, you become a catalyst for positive change, contributing to a more sustainable and equitable future. Join us in this exciting journey to reimagine climate action across the Caribbean and diaspora.


5:00 – 5:30 | Opening Remarks and Welcome

5:30 – 7:00 | Panel Discussion: The panel discussion will focus on envisioning a collective path forward that acknowledges historical injustices, advances climate justice, and nurtures meaningful and sustainable collaborations. Confirmed speakers include:

Skyller Walkes, Associate Dean, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Antibias, Columbia Climate School (Moderator)
Deborah Jack, St. Maarten/ Jersey City-based multi-disciplinary artist and poet
Ronelle King, 2023-24 Obama Foundation Scholar and Founder and Director, Life In Leggings: Caribbean Alliance Against Gender-Based Violence
Dr. Lisa Figueroa-Jahn, Assistant Professor of American Studies, Barnard College, Columbia University
7:00 – 7:15 | Closing Statement(s)

7:15 – 8:00 | Networking reception (Light refreshments to be served)


You can RSVP for the event here.


(Monday) 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm ET


The Forum at Columbia University

601 West 125th Street