march, 2020
Event Details
Save the date! Monday, March 16th, 11am in Albany- Stand up against Cricket Valley's mega Fracked Gas power plant!
Event Details
Stand up against Cricket Valley’s mega Fracked Gas power plant! Tell Cuomo to be a climate hero and shut down this illegal and dangerous plant!
You’re invited to join ResistCVE, Food & Water Action, XR, Sane Energy Project, New Paltz Climate Action Coalition & Others at The Egg, at Empire State Plaza in Albany.
Protest Party- Rally, art, music, chants, action & more. Tell Cuomo to follow his own law – No fracked gas power plant in Dover, NY! No Danskammer! Cricket Valley Energy is a threat to the environment, the precious wetlands and the Great Swamp, as well as dangerously close to farms, schools and homes in Wingdale, NY. It is trespassing on Schaghticoke native land and should be shut down immediately.
Please share the RSVP link with allies who might be interested!
Folks coming from afar can attend a training in Albany on the morning of the action!
Trainings are a chance to plug in and learn more about the campaign.
Tuesday, March 10th: Millerton Training from 6:30-9pm (light dinner included)
Saturday, March 14th: Kingston Training from 11:30am-2pm (art build to follow)
Monday, March 15th: Albany Training (held night before action)
** Address to follow for those who RSVP**
Art Builds
Art builds in the days leading up to the action will help March 16th be one to remember! They’re also a great chance to get to know other activists on the team!
Thursday, February 27th: XR New Paltz at 7:30pm
Sunday, March 1st: Millerton at 2pm
Saturday, March 14th: Kingston 2-7pm (drop in when you can)
Monday, March 9th: 12pm in Wingdale
** Address to follow for those who RSVP**
We encourage all interested activists, artists & musicians to RSVP, so we can craft a powerful day together!
(Monday) 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
New York State Capitol
State Street