october, 2022
Event Details
In this webinar, Stacey Snow and Melanie Holtz from Jacobs will discuss air quality compliance for offshore wind. Topics to be covered
Event Details
In this webinar, Stacey Snow and Melanie Holtz from Jacobs will discuss air quality compliance for offshore wind. Topics to be covered include permitting requirements, pollution controls, and environmental justice considerations. Stacey is an Offshore Wind Project Manager at Jacobs and Melanie is a Senior Technologist.
Learning from the Experts is an educational webinar series hosted by NYSERDA’s Offshore Wind Team. The series features independent experts speaking on key offshore wind topics, including wind farm technologies, development practices, regulatory processes, and research initiatives. Visit Learning from the Experts webpage for more information on the series.
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(Wednesday) 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Remote Event
New York State Energy Research & Development Authority (NYSERDA)info@nyserda.ny.gov 17 Columbia Circle Albany, NY 12203-6399