september, 2023

27sep6:30 pm8:00 pmKeeping the Lights On - Grid Reliability in a Fossil-Free World Webinar

Event Details

The NYISO’s planning processes are an essential element of the NYISO’s mission of ensuring power system reliability and competitive markets for New York in a clean energy future.

NYISO’s planning processes serve this mission by identifying future system needs and enabling investment to meet those needs long before there is an impact to consumers.

What are those plans? How can they ensure we have enough electricity in the future?

Learn about the strategic “Reliability Planning Process” NYISO is undertaking to ensure grid stability as we transition from fossil fuels to a healthy renewable energy future.

– Kevin Lanahan, Vice President, External Affairs & Corporate Communications, NYISO

You can register for the event here.


(Wednesday) 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm ET



Online presentation

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