january, 2024

26jan11:30 am12:30 pmIGSHPA Dig Deeper - GHP Impact Analysis

Event Details

Speaker: Jeff Winick & Sean Porse of U.S. Department of Energy Geothermal Technologies Office

Topic: GHP Impact Analysis

In Fiscal Year 2022, with GTO support, ORNL and NREL conducted a modeling assessment of the grid impacts resulting from the mass deployment of GHPs. Modeled changes in end use load profiles for the US building stock and their impacts on the bulk power system were analyzed under various carbon policy, electrification, and sensitivity scenarios using capacity expansion modeling (ReEDS) and production cost modeling (PLEXOS). The results demonstrate GHPs’ significant aggregate value to a decarbonizing grid through reduced infrastructure requirements, reduced emissions, and improved grid efficiency. The results have important implications for energy and technology investments in a rapidly decarbonizing energy economy.

You can register for the webinar here.


(Friday) 11:30 am - 12:30 pm ET



Online presentation

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