april, 2021

28apr7:00 pm8:00 pmHeatSmart Webinar - Campaign for Clean Heat

Event Details

Join the movement for building electrification and learn how you can take action on a personal level, at the municipal level, and at the state level. #HeatPumpsNotPipelines

Erica Herman from HeatSmart FLX South will present on heat pump basics and how you can get a free assessment for a heat pump system in your home.
Chris Carrick from HeatSmart CNY will present on how to start a community campaign for clean heating in your village, town, or city.
Lisa Marshall from HeatSmart Tompkins will present on the Renewable Heat Now Campaign and how you can take action to influence policy at the state level.

Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMtcemgrzkiHtRjeNM9CS64zyW0Kcaeeu8p


(Wednesday) 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm



Online presentation


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