october, 2019

30oct1:15 pm2:45 pmFarming Methods That Thrive in a Decarbonized World - Webinar

Event Details

Technology is transforming nearly every aspect of our modern lives, and farming is no exception. The produce on your table tonight will have gotten there faster, fresher and more cost-effectively thanks to leading-edge technology in agriculture. However, farmers and farming face great threats including the production uncertainty of a changing climate and ecosystem impacts on the health of soils.
Agriculture research and the application of technology will become increasingly computerized in the decades ahead. Moisture sensors, drones, smart irrigation, terrain contour mapping, self-driving and GPS enabled tractors, advances in ecosystem services, and better soil management can help farmers produce food more sustainably.
Join LightWorks at ASU and SSF as we explore the latest research and advancements in agriculture methods. The panel will consider the benefits of rotational grazing and other soil management strategies to help farmers become more sustainable and resilient to changes in weather and ecosystem conditions. These advances are protecting jobs, creating new business opportunities, and improving the health of the planet.


(Wednesday) 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm


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Online presentation

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