april, 2023
10apr3:00 pm4:00 pmEnergy Modeling for Decarbonization Planning: Advice and Resources for States
Event Details
Energy modeling can be a powerful tool for state decarbonization planning, but it can also be costly and the results can be
Event Details
Energy modeling can be a powerful tool for state decarbonization planning, but it can also be costly and the results can be prone to misinterpretation. This CESA webinar will provide advice on energy modeling and introduce resources useful to states embarking on decarbonization planning. The webinar should be of special interest to states considering what to propose to the US EPA for Climate Pollution Reduction Program Planning Grants.
Charles Hua of CESA will present highlights from a new report on “How Energy Modeling Works: The Uses and Limitations of Energy Modeling for Decarbonization Planning” . Elaine Hale of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) will discuss the lab’s energy modeling resources and capabilities that are relevant to state decarbonization planning. Nikit Abhyankar of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBL) will discuss that lab’s energy modeling resources and capabilities. There will be opportunity for audience questions.
• Charles Hua, Research Fellow, CESA
• Elaine Hale, Senior Research Engineer, Grid Planning and Analysis Center, NREL
• Nikit Abhyankar, Scientist, Electricity Markets and Policy Department, LBL
• Bentham Paulos, Senior Research Associate, CESA (moderator)
This webinar is presented by the Clean Energy States Alliance for the 100% Clean Energy Collaborative.
Register here.
(Monday) 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Remote Event