july, 2024

23jul11:00 am4:00 pmCourse 213: Integrating Performance-based Compliance into the Design Process (July Sessions)

Event Details

July Course 213: Integrating Performance-based Compliance into the Design Process

The training illustrates the use of energy modeling following the framework of ASHRAE Standard 209 – Computer Simulation Aided Design throughout design development, including the schematic design, construction document, and compliance documentation phases. It focuses on design decisions made at different stages of design that may lead to projects failing to comply with code using the performance path, such as envelope design not meeting the envelope backstop, ventilation rates exceeding minimum code requirements, inefficient ventilation system design, and the impact of space and service water heating fuel source on compliance. The training includes examples of designs that may not meet code due to recent changes to Standard 90.1 and additional requirements in 2020 NYStretch Energy and 2020 NYC ECCC.

4-hour webinar delivered in one 4-hour session, with a midway break.


Registration Fee

  • FREE for New York code officials

  • FREE for Students

Continuing Education

  • New York Department of State: 4 In-Service Hours

  • AIA 4 LU/HSWs

Training Description
The training illustrates the use of energy modeling following the framework of ASHRAE Standard 209 – Computer Simulation Aided Design throughout design development, including the schematic design, construction document, and compliance documentation phases. It focuses on design decisions made at different stages of design that may lead to projects failing to comply with code using the performance path, such as envelope design not meeting the envelope backstop, ventilation rates exceeding minimum code requirements, inefficient ventilation system design, and the impact of space and service water heating fuel source on compliance. The training includes examples of designs that may not meet code due to recent changes to Standard 90.1 and additional requirements in 2020 NYStretch Energy and 2020 NYC ECCC.

Target Audience
Energy modelers, design professionals.


  • Two years of experience in commercial or multifamily building design, operation, maintenance, energy code enforcement, or related fields, or equivalent education.

  • Completion of 110: Performance-based Compliance with ASHRAE Standard 90.1 or equivalent work experience.

Learning Objectives

  • Name the common design decisions made during the schematic and design development stages that have a high impact on performance-based compliance outcomes.

  • Name the new impactful rules in NYS ECCC and NY Stretch that limit trade-off opportunities on projects following the performance paths.

  • Provide examples of designs decisions that result in performance penalties when using performance-based compliance.

  • Provide examples of designs decisions that result in performance credits when using performance-based compliance.


  • Christina LaPerle PE, BEMP, CEM, CBCP

  • Maria Karpman LEED AP, BEMP, CEM


(Tuesday) 11:00 am - 4:00 pm ET



Online presentation


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