april, 2023

28apr10:00 am3:00 pmClean Energy Careers Lunch & Stakeholder Summit

Event Details

SUNY Sullivan is hosting a Clean Energy Careers Summit in partnership with New Yorkers for Clean Power on Friday, April 28th from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. This event will focus on workforce development for solar energy, weatherization, energy auditing, heat pumps, geothermal, insulation, and other green industries. Employers, training providers, and public officials who work and hire within Sullivan County are encouraged to attend. Program will involve keynote speaker, expert panel, and stakeholder breakout discussions. Lunch will be provided for Summit attendees.

A green job fair will accompany the Summit. We cannot provide childcare but children are welcome to accompany their caretakers. Spanish interpretation will be available on-site, as will resume-writing assistance. Student attendees of SUNY Sullivan’s annual Earth Day event will also visit the job fair in groups to learn about green jobs. Employers and training providers alike are welcome to table with all available opportunities.

Register to attend job fair: https://forms.gle/ix8jHTFYdwfEPwkf6
Register to table at job fair: https://forms.gle/2Z8BFPaQ2MTX9KVb7
Register to attend Summit: https://forms.gle/eYaRpxwrTquKTSE88


(Friday) 10:00 am - 3:00 pm


SUNY Sullivan

112 College Road Loch Sheldrake, NY 12759


Clean Energy Careers NY

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