november, 2019

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01novAll DayACTION ITEM: Petition to Tell Governor Cuomo: We Need Real Commitments to Reduce Emissions in NY’s Transportation Sector

Event Details


The transportation sector is the largest source of greenhouse gases in New York’s economy, accounting for 36% of emissions, but New York has not identified an interim target for reducing these emissions. New York State has committed to achieve 100% net-zero emissions by 2050 and under Governor Cuomo’s leadership has made near-term targets to aggressively develop renewable electricity and improve energy efficiency.

In order to get to 100% clean energy, we need bold targets not only in the electric sector, but also in the transportation sector, which  presently lacks adequate interim targets to ensure we are on track to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. That’s why we’re calling on Governor Cuomo to adopt a bold interim target to reduce climate emissions from on-road transportation by 55% by 2035.

Achieving a 55% reduction in motor vehicle emissions would provide massive benefits to New York. Increasing electric vehicles and decreasing reliance on cars would provide billions in public health and economic benefits, keep tens of billions of transportation fueling dollars in the New York economy, increase mobility, and benefit communities most overburdened by air pollution.

And it would ensure that New York is on track in 2035 for our 2050 climate protection goals. Send a message to Governor Cuomo and let him know that New Yorkers want to lead the nation on transportation goals.


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