november, 2023

14nov1:00 pm2:30 pmBuilding the Foundation for Energy Resilient Communities: Clean Energy Group's Resilient Power Funding Programs' 2022 Impact

Event Details

Clean Energy Group (CEG) operates two resilient power small grant programs that have supported over 112 community-based organizations, affordable housing providers, municipalities, and first responders across 30 states plus DC and Puerto Rico since 2014. The Technical Assistance Fund (TAF) helps environmental justice communities gain access to early-stage project development funding, expert guidance and advisory support, and the technical resources needed to develop community- led solar and energy storage projects that can serve as local resilience hubs during times of crisis. The Resilient Power Leadership Initiative (RPLI) provides community-based organizations with funding support to build internal capacity around resilient power solutions.

CEG released its first ever annual impact report featuring these two funding programs, Building the Foundation for Energy Resilient Communities, which reflects on the programs’ projects, partnerships, and lessons learned. In this webinar, CEG staff will be joined by two TAF engineering partners and a 2022 RPLI awardee. The webinar will highlight key trends and accomplishments noted in the report.


Tinice Williams, Executive Director at Feed The Second Line
Craig Lewis, Executive Director at Clean Coalition
Wendy Boyle, Grants & Contracts Manager at Clean Coalition
Amit Munshi, President and CEO at JPHB
Anthony Nicholson, Lead Scientist at JPHB
Abbe Ramanan, Project Director, Clean Energy Group
Anna Adamsson, Project Manager, Clean Energy Group

You can register for the event here.


(Tuesday) 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm ET



Online presentation
