Happy Earth Day! Today we celebrate our planet and all that it provides for us by considering how we can give back. At NYCP, we are focused on preserving our natural environment by expanding and utilizing renewable energy, efficiency and EVs, but there are many ways we can contribute to a healthier, more sustainable world. Take this Earth Day to make some eco-friendly changes in your life.
First Steps to Energy Efficiency
A strong start to reducing your carbon footprint is by making sure the energy you already use in your life is being used efficiently, and not going to waste.
1. Conserve Energy: Turn lights, TVs and other electronics off when not in use. Reduce “phantom” power by plugging in your appliance to a power strip and switching it off when not in use. Get a programmable thermostat!
2. Sign up for an Energy Audit: Get an assessment of where your home is wasting energy (free for most New Yorkers)! Check out our Energy Efficiency page for more info & a link to an audit.
3. Do an Energy Retrofit: Add air sealing & insulation to your building & switch to LED lighting.

4. Go Renewable! Sign up for community renewables like community solar. If you get a Con Edison bill check out Power Market community solar, or if you get a National Grid bill check out Common Energy community solar! You can also find a renewable installer near you by visiting our Solar, Wind & Clean Heating and Cooling pages.
5. Choose Clean Transportation
Make your next car electric, take public transportation, ride a bike, walk, or carpool with a friend! And if you have to fly, “offset” the carbon emissions with Green-e® certified renewable energy & carbon offsets.
6. Eat Clean: Whether it’s Plant-based, vegan, vegetarian or meatless Mondays, decreasing your meat consumption & incorporating more plants into your diet is the biggest way to immediately reduce your carbon footprint. And it’s healthier! It is also important to eat organic, locally grown foods as often as you can. Support your local farmers market or join a Community Support Agriculture!
7. Compost & grow your own food: learn to compost and start a garden that’s eco-friendly! In an urban area? Consider a vertical garden.
Reduce, Repair, Reuse & Recycle! Saves money and reduces waste
8. Reuse: buy second hand, donate your old stuff, and consider hosting a clothing swap in your community.
9. Repair: instead of throwing it away, try to fix it. Utilize your local repair cafe or start your own!
10. Use alternatives to single use plastic and styrofoam: like reusable water bottles, bags, utensils, to go containers etc.
11. Recycle: in addition to paper, plastic & glass, learn how to recycle your electronics, refrigerator & AC units
12. Get involved! Take action with New Yorkers for Clean Power and other green organizations. You can subscribe to our email list for resources & info about upcoming events. Another great way to take action is by contacting your local elected officials about clean energy & climate action. Your voice and vote matters!
This list was made in collaboration with the dedicated NYCP interns of Suffern High School Environmental Activism Club! You can download this list as a brochure here.
Please support our work by donating to NYCP. Without your support and enthusiasm for a cleaner New York our work would not be possible.